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Active Plus (Pvt) Ltd

Active plus , Physiotherapy, Paediatric, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Stroke

Contact Information

Contact Person
Mr. Thusara Sampath
Managing Director
E07, Kirideniya, Ballapitiya, Horana
Phone 2
Zip/Post Code
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Active Plus Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center is founded by Mr. Thusara Sampath, a renowned physiotherapist. Born on August 25, 1982 at Kurangala General Hospital, he is the Sixth son of R.M. Gunesekara and A. M. Podimanike.

After completing his schooling, he joined the Sri Lanka Army on June 22,2006 to undergo training as a Physiotherapist and serve in the military. After his military training, he obtained basic nursing

Training and voluntarily went to the Jaffna to serve injured Soldiers.  During his time there, he performed exceptional Service and, after the conclusion of his duties with the Sri Lanka army, he joined the Government School of Physiotherapy in Sri Lanka on 01st of April, 2010. While there, he helped patients with diseases and injuries, offering free treatment those in need.

Initially, he treated patients as a at their homes. and later expensed his Services 80 treat patients of his own residence. His wife Mrs. Lakskika Darshanamali, who is knowledgeable in traditional Sinhala medicine, contributed to his work. For around 2 years, be provided physical therapy treatments only and later combined his wife's traditional ayurvedic treatments, such as medicinal oils and Nila treatment, with his own work.

Together, they provided free treatment to patients for about five years However, after an accident that resulted in the loss of his left thumb, he realized he could no longer continue his service in the army. As a result, he retired from military Service and established Active Plus Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center on May 10, 2016.

This center, operated as a government approved facility, offered affordable treatments to small fee to cover operational costs, while continuing to provide physical therapy services,

Currently Active Plus Physiotherapy and rehabilitation center has become the number one physiotherapy network in Sri Lanka.

Our organization, which started with one branch, currently has five branches, four of these branches are located in Horana and one branch situated in the Kottawa.

The branches located in Horana include 01 unit that provides residential treatment for patients with paralysis, 01 unit the that offers outpatient treatment for Paralysis patients, a unit that Provides both residential and non-residential treatment for conditions such as arthritis and all other musculoskeletal condition, and other unit that provide Specialized treatment for young children.

The branch located in Kottawa provides treatment for arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions.

At the branches in Horana, approximately 50 patients with Paralysis can receive treatment at the same time additionally, there is the capacity to provide treatment for ground 22 non - Paralysis patients. Residential patients are provided with food and accommodation free of charge.

The uniqueness of the treatments of Active Plus lies in the combination of physiotherapy treatments Ayurveda oil treatments, and traditional Nila treatments We have a team of over 100 staff members, consisting of experienced and Skilled physiotherapists, and physiotherapy assistants. We have been able to assist thousands of patients locally and internally.

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Member since 2 weeks ago
  • info@activepluslk.com
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