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Wish Fertility Hospital Pvt Ltd

New hope new life baby for you

Contact Information

Contact Person
Nimesh Jayasuriya
ICT & Marketing Manager
No 30 Elhena Road,
Phone 2
Zip/Post Code
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Wish Fertility offers a complete approach to fertility assistance and treatments. During our fertility journey, we noticed things that added to the stress and anxiety of the process. We were sure that fertility treatment could be done better. Your family matters here, and we want your tomorrow to be extraordinary. Meet the tiny force behind our mighty purpose.

Wish IVF Fertility Hospital pvt ltd has a strong track record of helping couples achieve their dream of being more than eight thousand parents within eight years. Our IVF team offers high service standards to patients in Sri Lanka and internationally.

As a couple considering IVF or other assisted fertility treatments, it is completely natural for you to have many questions about each treatment procedure. Each case is unique, with each couple facing different challenges. We understand those challenges and aim to provide the most personalised, individual care only for you. Nonetheless, we are also aware that it is helpful for couples to have an overview and general guide to what you can expect along the way. All fertility treatments, including IVF, begin with a consultation with our fertility experts. They will then develop a holistic treatment plan that is tailor-made to your needs.

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Member since 3 weeks ago
  • wishjaya96@gmail.com
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